Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Sports Day

Sports Day! My favourite event of the year!
This year, school sports day was on the 19th June 2017. It started at 11.00 and, for my year group, lasted for over an hour. As usual, Mr Cowap organised it for all the students to take part and this year it took place on the MUGA.
During the wonderful day, there were lots of different activities, such as the egg and spoon race, sack race, javelin throw and three-legged race; I took part in the last two races and had an awesome time! Also, there were several running races with lengths such as 50m and 100m. There were opportunities to take part in other competitions, such as skipping, hurdles, long jump and long distance.

Long jump

Skipping race

50m race

Egg and Spoon race

We all had the chance to pick two of these races, which was great fun.
Sports Day is a great experience not only because you get to try out new sports but also because of the atmosphere. At Sports Day, there are always people there to cheer you on and support you and this helps you to know that you can do it. Adults and parents have an opportunity to come and watch you participate in your events and be part of your celebration. Each student is allowed to choose their own events so we all feel happier and more confident when taking part. Even if you don't succeed and win the event, you will still get a treat.
Without all the parents and teachers, our Sports Day wouldn't be a success! All the students of Springhill Catholic Primary School would like to say a massive THANK YOU to you all!

Iqra 4IR

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

4DH Fishbourne Roman Palace Trip

4DH as well as other year 4 classes went on a trip to Fishbourne Roman Palace to learn about Roman lifestyle and artefacts!

During our trip, we explored the importance of archaeologists  as well as getting a taste of being a Roman slave. Ilia and Mehreen are understanding how to build a mosaic. This is one of the activities which are listed below.

We did mosaic building, Roman writing on two different resources, wool spinning, games from olden times and many more similar activities.



Two pupils were chosen to dress up as Prince and Princess to see the importance of  how the Romans dressed up in olden days and how they lived life as rulers.



This is one of the Roman artefacts that we saw during our adventure.  For example, mosaics like this are commonly laid on the floors of wealthy Romans' homes.
Harriet and Isobel tried to make their own mosaic using their initials and coloured cubes.
This is 4DH's school trip!
Analiese / Pippa 


Saturday, 8 April 2017

A Diary entry for Palm Sunday and Good Friday

Finley (4MR) wrote two diary entries comparing and contrasting the crowd reactions on Palm Sunday and Good Friday.

Finley 4MR